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Bitcoin Taxation India

Bitcoin Taxation (23)

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Potential Tax liability on Cryptocurrency in India

You have a Potential Tax liability on Cryptocurrency in India if you have engaged in any of the following activities: Traded Cryptocurrency in an exchange Earned Cryptocurrency from mining Received Cryptocurrency as a gift or inheritance Used a foreign Cryptocurrency exchange Invested in or issued…

Advance Tax Guide for Cryptocurrency Traders and Investors

This article is Advance Tax Guide for Cryptocurrency Traders and Investors: What is it? When to pay? Why to pay? How to pay? Due dates for payment and Interest and Penalties levied on non-payment of Advance Tax and more... The Taxation system in India is…

Cryptocurrency Tax Calculations: What is FIFO, LIFO, and HIFO?

You might have come across the terms FIFO, LIFO, and HIFO when reading about cryptocurrency tax calculations. These terms are sometimes also referred to as different cost basis methods. Every time you sell a coin or token, for example selling BTC and receiving USD or INR in return, you have…